24 Februari 2010

SEO (14) Keyword density analysis

Keyword density analysis

Every search engine has a different keyword density calculation. Some search engines permit heavier keyword density on a webpage. Others like Google have stricter allowable density levels. The placement of keywords in different locations of the webpage has varying effects. A high density of keywords above the permissible limit will be considered as spam by the search engine and will cause the website to be penalized. Google allows a maximum of 2% of the webpage text to be keywords. Yahoo and MSN Search allow a keyword density of 5% [12].
A free tool to check keyword density of a webpage is available at www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/kwda.cgi

HTML code validation

It is highly advisable to validate HTML code before submitting to search engines. Even though the webpage may look visually correct, it may have syntax errors which may be ignored by forgiving browsers like Internet Explorer. A free validation service is provided by W3C. This service is available at validator.w3.org. This software checks for W3C XHTML 1.0 compliance and gives a detailed report. W3C cascading style sheet validation is available at

Absolute vs relative URL

Search engine spiders prefer absolute URL over relative URL. Search engine spiders may miss indexing some web pages when relative URLs are used. Absolute URLs will significantly reduce the portability of the website in the event of domain name change. This can be overcome by using a global variable which will contain the domain name of the website. This variable can be used to generate absolute URLs within web pages.

source:SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION AND MARKETING by Binoy Varghese page text missing

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