18 Desember 2009

Tutorial SEO Statement of problem and Purpose of Study

Thanks to Binoy Varghese (Master of Science in Computer Science) who has shared his knowledge to us ...very importance of the internet search engine is analogous to the operating system for computers. Operation of search engine technology begins with the creation ARCHIE [1] by Alan Emtage in 1990. Today, search engines have evolved as the most important business applications on the Internet because a great potential to provide highly targeted traffic to consumer business to consumer (B2C) website. From the perspective is more affective marketing for online business to be listed on the first three pages of search engine results than other forms of online marketing.

Several observations highlight the relevance of search engines is:
1. 84.8% of Internet users find sites through search engines
2. 81.7% of Internet users read only the first three pages of search results
3. 87.2% of Internet users use their favorite search engine to launch their queries
This observation is based on a survey conducted by the Graphics, Visualization and Usability center at Georgia Institute of Technology (www.gvu.gatech.edu), iProspect (www.iprospect.com), webSurveyor (www.websurveyor.com), Stratagem Research ( www.strategeminc.com) and Survey Sampling International. (www.surveysampling.com). They emphasize the key aspects in the behavior of Internet users in connection with the search engines:
1. Rely on search engines
2. Trust in search engine results
3. Loyalty to search engines
The search engine is very important presence of a gate to get targeted visitors so that search engine optimization and search engine marketing has become the focal point of Internet marketing today.
Problem Statement
Because every time, every time more and more web pages are added to the Internet, there is a constant need for every B2C merchants to stand between competitors in order to attract more consumers. Because online merchants have to face increased competition everyday, the most effective strategy to maximize the exposure is to achieve top rankings in search engine results. Search engines have a physiological relevance of the other channels of online advertising. The search engine users search for desired information. There is no better time to present the products or services to search engine users more than when someone is looking for. This psychological factor binding search engine provides a high return on investment [ROI]. This study tries to identify the various techniques to improve website ranking in search engine results.
Study Objectives
The relevance of search engine algorithms are proprietary. Because of the mysterious nature of search engine relevancy algorithms, the process of achieving a higher ranking in organic search engine results can not be determined using a mathematical or mechanical models. Different search engines use a variety of factors to determine the relevance of a web page in connection with the search query. Search engine technology in the developing phase, so the search engine companies are always classify the various techniques that can improve your website ranking in search engine results as spam. Although the companies major search engines do to determine what they consider to be spam, a lot of minute technical details can not be ascertained by examining this specification. Site is punished if identified as a spam site. As a result, the website may be assigned a lower rank or even removed from the index. The purpose of this research is to identify techniques that can improve website rankings in organic search engine results, spamming determine strategies to avoid and search engine marketing malpractices publishers introduced carefully and competitors..
source Search Engine Optimization and Marketing by Binoy Varghese (Master of Science in Computer Science)

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