16 Desember 2009

Tutorial adsense Terms google adsense (1)

For friends who are new to google adsense may not be too familiar with the term is often usedso in this article does no harm if we learn the meaning of the term first termbefore learning more about google adsense.


is a person or site owners who have joined with google adsense and he's put adsense ads on their site

2.Ad units

which is advertising itself daari adsense ad Units consist of several types and sizes, the most common is a form of textand when user clicks on this ad units, so if valid will earn publiser accordance with the CPC values .. there are few rules hereie in one page, publishers are only allowed to set up three ad units.
3.link Units
Link Units almost the same as ad units, only the format is similar to the usual format of the menu we find in weeb siteswhich distinguishes the Ad Link Units Units is at the user clicks on this adthen he will be directed to the search results page on google search engine. This is the Publisher will earn if the user clicksAd Units one contained in the web page .. Units with this link proved to produce more revenue than ad units in ordinary ...with records in one page only in publiser sites allowed to install one link units only.
4.Adsense For Content
that the intention here is to put Adsense ads within a page.Ads that appear are the ads that are related to the contents page. or call using the concept of Contextual.ad units and link Units are included in this adsense for contentAdsPada alternate adsense for content. ads will not always appear.
because it is stock-related advertising is up or the sitegoogle can not predict what the content of those sites. presented this happens, by default. shown is the public service ads or often familiar with the termPSA (Public service ads). because the type of donation. then if you click on these ads will not produce anything for the publisher
well to overcome, Google allows us to set up alternate ads, the ads if the unit can not perform, then that will appear is advertising alternative tersettinginside ...

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